Musah Superior writes: An administration marked by litany of avoidable errors leading to the NPP’s abysmal performance in the 2020 elections; which eventually resulted in a hung parliament and has made our government “hang on a string” must be made to stand down. Losing 32 seats to NDC and the huge reduction in the popular votes from nearly 1 million in 2016 to a little over 500, 000 in 2020 was the LAST STRAW. We need fresh minds, innovative ideas, new energy, credible and assertive leadership and a pointful narrative that can reconnect the Party to the base, re-recruit our dedicated volunteers and remobilise our members to own and work for the Party to deliver the 2024 project. As the General Secretary, l will automatically assume the role of a general servant in the renaissance of our Party. It is only this new awakening that can produce an honest road map for victory 2024. Change is vital. Change helps. Be strong, bold and courageous to say no to any attempt to exp...